Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Blessed and Grateful

Well hello there, I am back but I hope you all enjoyed my guest writer the infamous Amy (rooms) hopefully she will write something again soon! 
But anyways camp always find a way to teach me something at all times and these days it has been the fact that I am so blessed like geez too blessed! I just have been thinking a lot about the things that really matter and the things that I really am lucky to have! So I think I shall share a few with yall!

Well lets start with the obvious these days which is Camp DeSoto.... this is a place that most of the world does not understand (if you want to try there is a book Camp Desoto: a history curtsey of my mother buy it online or your local book store) but anyways there is NO place in the world that has taught me more and has had more to do with the way I am then this little place on Lookout Mountain. Thank you Lord for Hemlock, PO, community time just to name a few

Along with camp I am blessed to have some awesome nights out with some rocking people
Blog world say hello to the people that have help keep me sane these last few weeks at camp JFO Amster(rooms) and Ac(amelia Carol herself) and you can just pretend  Bonney, Sydney, Kelsie, Sarah, and Kelly are hiding in the back! but nights out have a whole new meaning these days and boy am I thankful for them! Whether is be a night in fort payne or doing it big in Chatt we alwasy have fun and really find time to become centered and back to being normal people. God has shown me his loved and grace by just the little things 
                           Whether it be TOOOOO much bread at Tonys or......
A breathtaking sunset 
Our nights out are always the best and ALWAYS needed
Thank you Lord for Night out for they bless me 

Moving on I have talked about my friend at camp but there are also those people that have "let" me disappear into the woods for 2 months and still let me call them my friends I am so blessed to know my friends are just waiting for me to come back and when I do I will be welcomed with opened arms. And to you all I say thank you and I am truly blessed by each of you! 

Well now I guess its time to get a tad bit cheesy.... I do not usually do this but I have to talked about how blessed I am to have my Studly favorite Alpine Counselor Steele Dehmer aka Best boyfriend in the whole world! I am always thankful for him but I am especially thankful for him this summer.... might have something to do with the fact that he is only like 8 miles away from me, every date ends at the brow (my fav place in the world)  and his wonderful letters have started up again! We even got to spend the "Alpine dance" together the other night I was very proud to show him off! I love him for the great example that he is to all those 5th graders and pretty jealous that they get to hang out with him all the time..... anyways thats enough yall know I kinda like him and I am very proud of him

Anyways I guess what you get from this crazy random post is that I am very happy and very thankful for 
staff meeting 
praying in color 
jams jokes
jfo sanity 
sarahs hugs
amys jokes/cuddles
community time
the man from snowy river 
and the grace of my Heavenly Father!
and for all that I am VERY GRATEFUL 

Day is done gone the Sun 
God is Nigh

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hello from Roommate

Hi, my name is roommate, I live in the Hemlock Hilton with foxy K. Cox. I am writing this from a wireless keyboard which is beyond weird, let me tell you. So we are roommates in a really nice cabin with five birds that live on our porch. Their names are Albert, Bernice, Curtis, Derrell, and Eustace. They have grown from eggs to birds in front of our eyes. Their parents are very attentive and poop all over our porch. The Hemlock Hilton is home to random senior staff. We have ceiling fans, varnished floors, and twinkle lights. Those factors plus the coffee pot and fridge on our back porch make for good digs and good community.
Being random senior staff means we sit at the back staff table. Nurses, doctors, assistant head counselors, the hostess, and overflow people all gather three times a day to eat together and endure some of the most awkward conversation that we will ever encounter in our whole lives. Without being mean spirited, I would like to share some of what I have learned from these meals.

Life is a choice. For example, you can choose to make life an adventure or you can pop a lean cuisine in the microwave. Now, I have nothing against a meal that is from the freezer section and supplies you with nutrients after spending meer minutes in the microwave. But mindset is key. Do not be a victim of your own life and of your choices. Live life to the fullest whether you are enjoying a lean cuisine from your microwave or if you are snacking on the wildest cuisine on the planet. Enjoy your life and form community wherever you can find it. If life hands you a lean cuisine, shake some hot sauce on it and throw a party.

Thank you for listening to my soapbox.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I am ALIVE I promise

So I know all my loyal readers have been wondering where I have run off too.....WELL only to the greatest place on the guessed it CAMP DESOTO!! I have been here since June 4th and camp is just not getting started. Anything good needs lots of preparation time but campers are here and camp is in full swing! The past two summers I have worked on program staff (aka cabin counselor) but this summer I am trying out a new role! The CAMP HOSTESS.....and no there is not a more perfect job for me! 1. I know all about camp and could sell this place to anyone 2. Its my favorite place in the world 3. Who wouldn't want to be the DeSoto hostess!

 Life is good God is better and I cant think of anything I would rather be doing

I wish I could give y'all a little Day in the life of a DeSoto hostess but that would be nearly impossible because you never know what I will be doing next cutting out paper feathers, lamenting, stapling papers, buddings t shirts, making play lists, taking noodles to the pool, or just sitting around with some of my favorite people. I love my job and I love being here!

Camp DeSoto hostess, Sarahs Executive assistant, Marsha's Helper, Professional lamenator, CD on Laundry service, J partner in random PO duties,  and last but not least a VERY HAPPY CAMPER

Until next time..... promise it wont be too long!