Monday, January 24, 2011

Lets see what this is all about!

I have a blog.... this is something that I have wanted to do for a very very long time. I have learned so much from other peoples blogs and their insight on their everyday life, I do not have any expectations that this blog will inspire anyone but it will finally put to rest my longing desire to make one. My excuse has always been that my life is just not exciting enough to have a blog but as my dear friend Caroline reminds me "ahh these are the days" such a true statement from such a wise friend! I am living what according to some people is the time of their lives so why isn't that worth writing a blog over!
I am not quite to the real world and I am not just getting started. I have lived, loved and laughed ( a lot) these past few years and thankfully I am still living, loving and laughing my way through life figuring out what is my purpose what is that plan God has had in store for me from the very beginning. So I guess if you are reading this you are along for my ride, a ride that I know will be full of crazy love on those many heavenly days!
So... Here we go!